As they travelled, they ran across a sociable messenger on his way to Oraskat, and they shared a meal on the side of the road. After a bit of a journey over the next few days, the Raft found some ruins they had been unaware of. And shadowy shapes moving through the rubble, and on one, a glint of armor as the sunlight stole between the shadows.
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Our Heroes approach the Broo and their Warrior leader |
Anasdiazi sent the archers and the Nameless priest of Humakt to the left so as to engage the Broo on the hill. He and Quackmore went up the center, using a large tree as cover. Pariwan Keetslander and Mataw took the right flank. Those Broo on the hill rolled down towards the archers, intent on closing the sistance before too many shots could be loosed against them. The Warrior and remaining Broo weaved their way through the ruins towards the Raft.
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The Raft is ready to engage the Broo! |
The two Broo heading for the archers changed their minds about charging towards the archers in a hurry after the first volley of arrows hit them. Neither of them were injured, but with all three bowfolk hitting, and Puddles gaining a second shot courtesy of Sparrow's Flight from the Nameless Priest of Humakt, it looked like a losing proposition. They followed the Warrior and another Broo behind a partially intact building to try to engage the rest of the Raft.
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That's a lot of Broo in a line... |
And then a lot of things happened at once. Puddles Walked The Wind to the hilltop recently vacated by the Broo and tried to shoot one of them, to no effect. Anasdiazi engaged the Warrior but was rebuffed for his efforts. Oasasya and Trackquack both took a shot through the doorways at the Broo, but only Trackquack was able to kill one. Quackmore cut through the ruined building to engage the Broo, but was cut down quickly by the mountain of muscle. Mataw tried to kill a Broo, but was pushed back towards Anasdiazi for her efforts. Pariwan Keetslander, however, managed to kill one of the diseased monsters after it rushed at him. Two Broo down, three Broo and a Chaos Warrior to go.
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Quackmore's last stand! |
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See Quackmore there with the two Broo? Pretend he isn't there. I forgot to remove him before I took the picture. |
Puddles hoped out of the hilltop ruins to get a better shot at the warrior, but was unable to hurt the hardened veteran. Mataw again attacked the Broo in front of her, and was again pushed back. Oasasya and Trackquack both took shots at the two Broo that had so recently defeated Quackmore, but with no telling damage. With Quackmore down, Anasdiazi attacked the Warrior with renewed vigor, but was struck down for his efforts. The Warrior then moved through the ruins to engage Mataw, and knocked her out of action. Pariwan Keetslander then charged him, but the champion of Chaos defeated him as well. The Broo in the ruins charged towards the archers, but after a brief scuffle, Trackquack had killed one of them with his dagger!
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Mataw tries to kill the Broo |
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Mataw meets her end! |
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Trackquack, of all people, is carrying the fight... |
Puddles took a shot at the advancing Broo, but missed anything vital (which means he probably scored a head shot!) Oasasya shot and killed the Broo looming before him. Then the Warrior emerged from the ruins, murder in his eyes and he advanced towards Puddles. Trackquack and the Nameless Priest of Humakt raced around the building to try and come to his aid! And the Broo shambled closer...
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Well, this looks horrible for Puddles... |
Puddles, seeing the Chaos champion before him, took another shot. And this time, his aim was true and the Warrior dropped in his tracks. And Trackquack too had true aim, killing the remaining Broo. Once again Anasdiazi's Raft held the field against the nightmares of Chaos, but at what cost? Half of the Raft was down, whether dead or dying remained to be seen.
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Our Heroes, triumphant again! |
Both Anasdiazi and Pariwan Keetslander were just Knocked Out. They would require no healing time before they could join the Raft in future adventures. Quackmore, however, was seriously injured and would be out for 6 Campaign Turns recovering. However, he Pressed his Luck, succeeded, and was perfectly okay after all. Mataw was lightly injured, and will require three Campaign Turns of recovery. And, there was no loot to be had. None. Not a single broken weapon. Dammit. On the positive side, both Puddles and Trackquack leveled up, with Puddles gaining more Luck and Trackquack increasing his Agility (which helps him act earlier in each game turn.)
This was the game I have been waiting for. The Warrior was a tough-as-nails opponent that, coupled with some bad dice rolling on the part of The Raft, account for 75% of the casualties caused. And the Broo were tough opponents as well. Fully half of Our Heroes went out of action in this Encounter. And somehow, it was the least capable member of the adventuring party, Trackquack the FNG, that killed three of the Broo, including one of them in melee. He is a new rising star to be watched! Mataw, the other rising star, was not much of a star today at all. But she is my second favorite member of the warband, so I have a special plan for her while she is recovering from her injuries for the next three game turns...
Five Leagues From The Borderlands and the supplements are available here.