Saturday, December 21, 2019

Five Leagues Relaunched!

Once upon a time, I fell in love with the FiveCore rules from Nordic Weasel Games. They were designed for sci-fi and modern warfare, and I played a lot of WWII and Star Trek with them. But I really wanted a fantasy version. To a certain extent, that was addressed in the third edition, but it wasn't quite right. And then "Five Leagues From The Borderlands" was released, a fantasy game designed to be played solo. Exactly what I was looking for! Except it wasn't FiveCore. It was built on the engine of  the second edition of "Five Parsecs From Home," which was designed as a solo sci-fi game but was clearly not the FiveCore I knew and loved.

But I gave it a try. And it was GREAT! I played around with it a bit, I re-skinned the encounter tables for the Glorantha setting of the Runequest game. I put together a warband around a core of durulz (durulz is the name of the duck race, and yes, ducks are a character race in Runequest as well as an imaginative bit of Gloranthan lore.) I even cobbled together some monster rules for fighting bigger opponents. And then the unthinkable happened. A second edition was released! NOOOOOOOO!!! But I took a look at it, re-skinned it for Glorantha again, and re-tooled my warband so I was ready to play. I chose "Adventure Level" of difficulty because it is a more casual game than the other difficulties.

Above, the core of the adventurers (Heroes, in game terms) are Anasdiazi, a duck warrior and my Avatar; Duckworth, his loyal retainer; Puddles, a duck archer of untested quality, and Oasasya, an Aldryami archer (in Glorantha, the Aldryami elves are actually tree people in the literal sense, so I decided to take it one step further.) Together, they are Anasdiazi's Raft (a raft being a group of ducks.)

They are accompanied by two humans who are both former soldiers, and two hired durulz guides, one armed with a bow. As they are Followers, and not Heroes, they do not have their own names yet.

I have set my little campaign in Heortland, which is southwest of Dragon Pass in Sartar, The campaign will center around saving four villages from a variety of threats. There is Harankos, Garakt, Berstavalb, and Oraskat. Berstavalb is "counting as" Hillshire Vale in Micro-Pack 2, and Oraskat is "counting as" Broadhill from Micro-Pack 3.

Five Leagues From The Borderlands and the supplements are available here.


  1. Where did you get the Aldryami figure?

  2. The Aldryami is a plastic Warhammer dryad with some new arms, I believe from Dark Age Games "Dragyri Slave" with hands from Wargames Factory plastic Ashigaru.
