Saturday, December 21, 2019

Five Leagues Relaunched! Part Two

It's been quite a week. The upstairs lady broke her hot water heater early Wednesday morning, which had the usual effect of flooding my home. I had to take Wednesday and Thursday off work to deal with the insurance and fixing people, and even a half day Friday. But to celebrate some progress in the repairs, I decided I had waited long enough to re-launch my Runequest-themed "Five Leagues From The Borderlands" solo campaign. I decided to play through my first campaign turn on Friday night. 

Our Adventurers started in the town of Garakt, nestled in a valley of Heortland. Garakt has been disturbed by the invasion of Heortland by the Lunar Empire, resulting in threatening Border Tensions. These Border Tensions have in turn sparked some Outlaw activity, and underneath all of it there are Dark Secrets bubbling in the background.

As they prepared to patrol the area around Garakt to protect this village from any outside threats, they noticed that the law was cracking down. there would be no opportunities for gambling in the taverns now! Instead, Quackmore helped the farmers and earned two gold coins. Puddles went fishing and caught a couple of small fish, but nothing worth selling. And, as they were preparing to leave the town, they were approached by a priest of Humakt wishing to travel with them,

As the day wore on and twilight was approaching, the group began to look for a suitable campsite. In a clearing, they came upon a group of Night Folk, hardened killers stalking the countryside. Anasdiazi and his companions sprang into action against these villains, they were exactly the sort of threat the Raft was trying to eliminate!

It was pretty much a run-at-each-other-and-fight kind of affair, but the three adventurers with bows took out three of the bad guys early on. 

And it was a good thing, too! These villains were as tough as nails. Five out of nine of the Raft went out of action while taking down the seven bad guys.

Although they were wounded, everyone survived. No one succumbed to their injuries... this time.

Quackmore, one of the hired guides (my most recently painted duck,) and the priest will all be out a few game turns recovering from their injuries.

Which is a bit of bad news, because while the rest of the gang went out patroling a few days later, they stumbled upon a tribal nomad camp.... be continued.

This was actually a tough fight. The leader of the killers was really powerful, and in the end he expired from failing his "wound" roll (because Anasdiazi managed to stick a sword into himy once.) None of the other bad guys failed their wound roll, but I would have lost Anasdiazi that way if he hadn't used his point of Will. The archers really evened the odds, taking out a couple of the enemy before everyone else closed for combat. Of them, only Oasasya went down once she was in melee. She learned an important lesson about getting too close (trying to get that 3+ shot when within 6" of a target!) 

I had a great time, and am really looking forward to the next time I can play with myself this way!

Five Leagues From The Borderlands and the supplements are available here.

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