Saturday, January 25, 2020

The "Old Lead" Project: Female Cleric

Once upon a time, I was a bit fascinated with amazon mystique, and went about buying every female warrior miniature I could get my hands on. Sometime in the late '80s or early '90s, I acquired the Ral Partha "Armored Female Cleric With Mace." And, much like the Elf Swordsman shown previously, is still available. In any event, this particular model kicked around unpainted in one box or another within my vast collection of unfinished hobby stuff for the better part of thirty years before she surfaced in my consciousness again. As I have started mentally planning what I want on the table for my "medieval fantasy" Five Leagues campaign, a young woman in plate armor seems like she will fit my aesthetic nicely.

Front! Back! Unpainted!
I trimmed the integral base and put her on a 1" plastic stand instead. I primed her in black gesso and added sand to the stand. The armor is black drybrushed with steel and highlighted with a steel/silver blend. The cape is done with a honey color, highlighted by adding white to the base color. The shield was one half linen and one half true blue, both highlighted by adding white to the base color.

Expect to see this young lady as an important part of my next Five Leagues From The Borderlands campaign!

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